CPD management
Designed with the user in mind, Cyberwisdom CPD allows your members to grow and develop their own way in their own time.
Built from the feedback and ideas of our community of clients, we’ve spent the past three years crafting Cyberwisdom CPD to work best for members. The result is CPD software designed purely to meet any requirement a user would need in both design and function.
Professional development requires a notoriously complex balance of studying, recording and storing information, and Cyberwisdom CPD ensures this process is easy to manage. The outcome is a CPD management system that fits into busy schedule and works beautifully on any device; perfect for busy professionals.
Offering CPD software is a huge draw for members looking to advance in their field and it can set your organisation aside from your competitors.
Therefore it is essential to ensure that your CPD has the right tools so that professionals know they can develop without losing time or energy managing their CPD.

Fully equipped

User experience
Cyberwisdom CPD is tailored to those who would be using it most. It can be used by people of all ages and abilities; people who might be learning in any spare moment they get.
For this reason it works as easily on a train as it does at a desk, and its fluidity means that your account can be accessed and updated wherever you are, at any time.
Another feature which makes Cyberwisdom CPD perfect for the user is its integration with other software. You might have many educational features to offer your members, from events to reports to videos.
With Cyberwisdom CPD, every event your member attends, or paper they downloaded can be stored through its integration with your CMS and CRM software.

Easily integrated

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