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Benefits For your Organisation
Benefits For your Organisation
Automatically track and assign CPD points for attendance to events, seminars, training courses, and subscription purchases including formal and informal points.
Benefits For your Members
Your members will be able to manage and track points earned to date or still required with an easy to use CPD points diary. Members will also be able to print or export the diary for tax purposes.

Benefits For your Organisation
This tool allows members to ask and answer questions for each other. Reducing support calls whilst creating a knowledge database of links, articles, answers and a valuable list of member issues and interests, which can be used to improve the value proposition.
Benefits For your Members
For members it allows them to ask other industry members for help with specific questions. Because the question can be answered by several members, it provides a variety of views and opinions on the topic.

Benefits For your Organisation
This tool gives staff the ability to post all resources online in a public, private or premium format. These resources can then be accessed by members depending on their membership type. This provides value for members while encouraging other users to signup.
Benefits For your Members
Members benefit by having 24/7 access to resources online rather than requesting resources and waiting for feedback. This provides them with the information they desire, when they desire it.
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