The implementation of wizBank LMS CPD engine allows you to keep track the skills that your employees or users need to improve and create personalized and complusory learning paths for each user or group of users. Using this wizBank CPD engine and customized to fit your corporate will ensure you effectiveness and precision in the training, which will represent great support for the savings and success of your company.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) refers to the process of documenting and monitoring the skills, knowledge or experience acquired by employees during the training processes they perform.
Thanks to CPD, you can keep track of the training, experience, and knowledge that the employees acquire and then verify that they apply those in their daily tasks.
It is usually used in organizations to build a training plan or a specific learning path that delivers personalized training according to the results that CPD throws from each user.
The process performed by LMS CPD allows you to manage the development of your training. While they are in the learning process, the CPD records, reviews and shows the knowledge that was acquired.
wizBank CPD
wizBank CPD engine can be customized andautomates your entire CPD management and administrative needs , it is easy for members, learners and corporate staffs to use and can be seamlessly integrated into your existing LMS whether it is wizBank or other LMS platform.

wizBank LMS CPD Features
Cyberwisdom has helped over 5 millions of learners to get their CPD
done and hassle free, pls talk to our consultants for your bespoke
CPD headaches!!
Deliver specific training to your employees and comply with CPD with wizBank enterprise level LMS CPD engine
Provides an updated overview of your professional development and compliance status.
Keeps a record of your past acquired skills, credits, learning data from a wide variety of learning activities.
Keep track how much of the training has been completed and in-progress.
Helps you keep control of your compliance requirement and learning goals.
Finds the spots that are failing and with big data analysis in the learning process and capabilities to analyze with different perspective.
Discovers and keep reminded any new courses, activities, modules and skills that must be strengthened and being tracked.
Shows you where you stand and at the same time compared to other users or colleagues.
Enabling corporate and CPD compliance management to deliver so much more with greater efficiency and a much better compliance quality to our staffs, partners and regulatory authorities.

With Cyberwisdom wizBank CPD, you can maange and automate the training process and CPD compliance becomes more proactive and conscious.
CPP and LMS all in one solution
With extremely sophsicated wizBank LMS platform together all in one, you can customize and manage all the training elements such as e-Learning, face to face training, attendance, workshops, video conferences, gamification, forums, learning paths, learning techniques and advanced reports focused on the effective improvement of their professional development into one
CPD Status reports for Management and CPD authority
wizBank CPD engine can generate ‘CPD Report’ displaying learner-wise CPD points/units/credits/learning hours along with the achieved dates and the learning content names.
Line Managers, Indirect Line Managers and custmized access right will provide you the desire Team CPD Reports.
CPD Self checking for Learners
wizBank allows learners have access to CPD pages dedicated to their own with high security while they can also can view CPD status graphs depicting the actual CPD points achieved and additional CPD points that can be achieved, we can also help to customize all the information you want to show to learners and reminders as well based on your compliance requirement
CPD Configuration for CPD administrator
CPD administrator or compliance manager can add, change, manage CPD points, dates and other parameters for Learning Content such as Courses, Assessments, Assignment, Reference Material, and Videos at a global level. As global CPD application and rules may be different, Cyberwisdom professional CPD consultant will listen to your requirement and deliver a global scale deployment in cloud based platform or on-premise
Manage CPD certification
Corporate can utilize wizBank CPD administrator and Training adminstrators can account for internal and external certifications achieved by learners in the LMS and with the CPD engine custom designed for different categories of internal and external notification, reminder and certifications on your business needs

How can your company benefit using LMS CPD and Learning Paths?
When you are creating a training program you have to make sure that the learners complete the necessary courses and activities to achieve a specific knowledge or develop some skills. It becomes very important for you, your company or institution to create the right LMS learning paths to guide your students and control the completion of the training activities/modules in the sequence that you design.
Paradiso Learning Management System features a complete competency-based LMS CPD program that will help you to effectively organize a system of personnel development and evaluate the skills of your employees. It will define and manage the goals for each employee or work team. The main objective to accomplish with LMS CPD for corporations is to give your company the right tools for performance evaluation and performance tracking of their workforce.
With Paradiso LMS CPD you can create as many Learning Paths as you want, take content from different courses to build a specific learning plan, create learning plans for each role assigned on your team and make sure the process leads to success.